Monday, August 9, 2010

And so starts the Football Season!

Well it really started July 26th but that was just camp!  Tonight it was Parent/Player Meeting and BBQ night and Pictures at LP/HT Football.  To me this is the official end to summer and the start of the mommy bus, and all the other craziness that consumes Monday- Fridays and your occasional Saturday!

This year my son is plays Junior Varsity.  He is in the 9th grade, I should really stop saying a number cuz this year he is a name and I remember how important that was to me so form this point I will refer to him being a "Freshman".  Since LP/HT is a small school he gets to be involved with the Varsity football team.

I think I am more excited then he is.  This year we get two games a week.  Monday and Friday Nights!

My husband is just as excited as I am but shows it less, he was less then happy at the amount of checks I  wrote out tonight.  In fact as we stood in line he had to leave because he was getting light headed at the amount and how many different checks I was writing.  One for the sports fee, another for the bus to Red Lake (There first game) a girdle, a new practice Jersey for Diesel so she can cheer the kids on from the sidelines and then 3 new sweatshirts with his name and number on the back!  I couldn't resist!  I'm a proud momma and support my son 100%!  Even though last weeks check is now in the hands of LPHS!

Well stayed for more exciting posts about My Son and Football!

1 comment:

  1. oh yes, I know your pain. Sports are expensive. I have a ten year old in soccer and a seven year old in golf. I too get light headed.

    Thanks for visiting me and leaving me a sweet comment. Hope you have a wonderful day.
