Welcome to the 62nd edition of "Meet Me On Monday!"

1.Wrapping paper or gift bags?
-I hate to wrap, so if it will fit into a bag thats what I do. If I must wrap it looks like a kindergartner did it!
2.Real or artificial tree?
-Real, if we have one. Having a Christmas tree is usually a fight at our house. Our new tradition is to go somewhere for Christmas and our point of view is if were not going to be home to enjoy it why go threw the hassle of putting it up. BTW-if there is one that goes up I am totally in-charge of it from start to finish. So another reason why not to have a tree. Plus if the place that we are going to does not have a tree, we bring my grandparents tree with and decorate it.
3.When do you put your tree up?
-If I put one up, its usually the day after Thanksgiving, or if we put up my grandparents then its the first night of vacation.
4.When do you take your tree down?
-The week after Christmas.
5.Do you like eggnog?
6.Do you have a nativity scene?
-Yes, I have 2 of them. One is from my Great Grandmother. I used to play with it when I was a child and she gave it to me before she passed away. The other my mother made for me.
7.Favorite Christmas Movie?
-Oh thats a toss up between "How the Grinch stole Christmas" and "A Christmas Carol" (the original one, not in color)
8.Favorite Christmas cookie?
9.Where will you eat Christmas dinner?
-With my parents on Christmas eve.
10.Angel, bow or star on top of your tree?
-We currently have a Star. Its my sons and when he moves out he will take it with him and I will get to pick something new. When I was born, my Dad picked this really weird orb thing and it was on top of our tree until my son picked out his star.
11.Most annoying thing about this time of the year?
-Stress, the constant reminder that you need to buy presents, and candy and cards and all that other stuff that goes with it. I wish Christmas would go back to the way things used to be. The true meaning of Christmas is getting to spend time with the family.
12.Do you like Fruitcake?
-HeDoubleHockeySticks NO!!!
13.What are you most excited about the holidays?
-Getting to spend time with my family, and the week after spending as much time as I can with my son.
14.Do you open presents Christmas Eve or Christmas Morning?
-Christmas Eve with my parents and Christmas day with my Family.
15.Will you still be wrapping presents on Christmas Eve?
-Hopefully not!
I was going through MMOM withdrawl - so I've resurrected it on Acting Balanced until Java starts posting again - please feel free to stop by and check out this week's questions at http://www.actingbalanced.com/2012/02/meet-me-on-monday.html